
Established in 1982, the Association was formed to solely provide the transport and treatment of waste water for the subdivisions of Berthoud Estates and Foothills Estates and to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents within the properties. Our membership is our homeowners. The Association is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors and is responsible for collecting the dues from the members and managing a budget for the Treatment Facility, the sewer lines and the properties and easements for the waste water systems.

Board of Directors

Melissa Morin – President

Rick Moehling – Vice President

Glen Rewerts – Secretary

Jeff Lorenzen – Treasurer

<open> – Member at Large

Board Meetings

The BECA Board regularly meets at 6:30 PM on the second Thursday of Even Months (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) at the Waste Water Treatment Facility maintenance building on CR 23E between Beverly and Foothills Drives. Meetings are open to the public.